2011年8月31日 星期三

Tannen's Magic

This is a fantastic place for magicians where fill with magic, magic and magic :)
and I write this review both in Chinese and English(but Chinese more)
btw please forgive me of my some mistakes on grammar :(

這次紐約之行 魔術店是我很期待的一個行程
更重要的是 能接觸到許許多多的國外魔術師
跟Joseph 還有 Usman那些外國朋友們練出來的英文:)

好 正題
這次的紐約行 去了兩家魔術道具店
一家是Fantasma 是由大名鼎鼎的David roth 正是裡面的店員
但 那家店內不能攝影 再加上東西有點貴(畢竟是開在macy附近...)

in EN
I like Tannen's Magic more than Fantasma :)))

Tannen's Magic
it's the oldest magic store in NY since 1925
and many many famous magicians had been here

here is Tannen's Magic FB and website
you can order online :)


Tannen's Magic 是紐約最老的魔術店
許許多多有名的魔術師都來過這裡 而這間店的感覺跟樂奇屋差不多
只是它位在世界最貴的城市之一 紐約 的曼哈頓上
但我想光是房租 一個月也要上10萬台幣吧...

here is the entrance for Tannen's Magic

34街上 前後左右有forever21, H&M, ZARA , VICTORIA SECRET...等等超大店

基本上門口沒有任何招牌 也沒有任何路標
進去大樓時 我還問了一下警衛 確認這家店...
這裡的電梯也很可怕 感覺隨時都會卡住...

out of elevator

出電梯後 終於看到第一個標示(安心了~)

the Tannen's Magic logo in the corner


that 's the door~
感覺真的跟樂奇屋一樣 躲在大樓裡XDDD
(但我忘了拍全景 只好照順序繞一圈介紹QQ~)

here is many properties for stage Magic
I already seen many performance on TV
but I don't know those name in EN :(
and the
lower left in the pic is a table in the store center site
just for magicians who want perform some new trick or exchange their ideas
Taiwan also has many same place like that :)
I love it!!

這是入口左邊 有很多舞台的大道具 但是我都不知道英文怎麼說 囧~
左下角 是店裡的中間的桌子
店的櫃抬是ㄇ字型的 所以中間有塊空地 擺了張桌子可以交流魔術
把東西移一移 就可以辦辦lecture 或是一小小活動

the right side for the door
you will see many books for magic not only close up magic but also stage magic
and have some drinks for those who is thirsty :)

這是進門右手邊 除了一整櫃的原文書之外 logo後面就是結帳櫃台
左側開始就是擺滿道具的玻璃櫃 跟 架子了

店裡結帳電腦都是apple 真天龍國就是不一樣 QQ

books,books and books
I hope I can read those books instead of biochemistry,oral morphology...whatever I study now :(

要是我能讀這些原文書 不要念啥生化 口胚的原文書就好...(科目太多了 打不完...)

Lance Burton (signature)!!!!!!
why put on ground...?

天阿 Lance Burton的簽名畫@___@~

bump into Tony Chang!!!!
he is discussing with Jared
but I'm so shy that I can't ask for take a picture together :( ~
so I just take a pic by iphone (sorry~)
btw he use the White lion deck(on the table in the DD lether card clip) before David Blaine release XDD~

這是另一天 剛好遇到Tony Chang!!!!他正在跟店員討論一招魔術
雖然我偷聽了很久 還是聽不出來(因為他們也一直沒討論出來)
不過 那天我已經看到DB要出的white lion了(在上市前一週左右)XDDD~
原來Tony Chang也用DD 的 皮革牌夾(lether card clip)呀@_@~

many special decks for magician from T11,E,DD...and others
嗯 這裡是賣牌區

and there has some opened decks(lower cupboard) for magicians who want to try before order
that a good idea that I hope the Taiwanese magic store can do :)

櫃子下方那一層 有很多打開的牌 是可以供店裡的人試用
雖然這個idea很棒 但就真的還是要看消費者的水準
感覺在台灣牌不是會被幹走個一兩張 就是有手很髒的人來試牌...

Dan Hauss Lecture in Tannen's Magic!!!

Dan Hauss要在Tannen's Magic辦lecture
讓我很嚮往的一點 就是很多國際知名的職業魔術師 lecture都是在美國QQ
(廢話 美國人呀...)

new arrived!!!
waterproof "the excerpt at the card table" pocket size
and "the excerpt at the card table" bible edition

剛好看到新貨 防水的牌術聖經XDDD~ (有點後悔沒有買)

the card presser from magic soul that a company from Taiwan
it's exciting for seeing the product from Taiwan where is my country !!!~



DVD架 (失焦了...)
店裡大概有3.4個這種架子 上面放滿原版片

Another cabinet where fill with many magic DVD

在牌架的旁邊 還有一大櫃DVD 這裡好像是擺比較新的@@~

it's Touch which is a famous DVD made in Taiwan
and it's also exciting to see Jared perform Touch :) ~

天阿 是簡子的TouchXD~
而且Jared 還有變給其它外國魔術師看XDDD~

但是Jared 說賣完了!!!~

variety gimmick for close up magic


a big cabinet with many drawers which stock many gimmicks like coin,silk,balloon......etc
btw the coin gimmicks are from Johnson product :)
and there is a table for magicians who want stand up

超大櫃子 一堆抽屜 放滿了一堆道具 此外 這裡的硬幣都是Johnson product

a special gimmicks that I had seen in Taiwan


and for parties


Tannen's Magic DM

Tannen's Magic twitter& FB card :)

Tannen's Magic businesses card

(with Jared in Tannen's Magic)
that really is a wonderful experience for me in NY :)~
thanks for Tannen's Magic friends especially Jared
I hope I can see you next summer vacation :) ~

跟 Jared 的合照



希望下次去NY 還能再去一次這家店
不只是因為東西便宜 店員真的也很熱情 很有耐心

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