2012年10月31日 星期三

the White Lions - Hidden Secrets B

但 該交差的還是要交差(茶)
這篇就當個資料備份吧 10月底的文章壓線...

Although the white lion B already release months ago
but I still want to make a review for the "new" hidden secrets :p
hope you enjoy :)

開始之前  先假設大家已經看過之前A系列的秘密
所以這裡只列出跟A系列不同的設計 :)
before you start
suggest you read the review the White Lions - hidden secrets  first
I only post different secret design in this review :)


這次的B系列跟A系列比起 換了很多地方
這部份已經打在之前的review裡了 :)
compare to A series, B series change some design for J,Q,K and Joker
you can see my review previous (sorry only for Chinese)
the White Lions - series B blue

that talk about something others :p


1. Queen's flower

there is small change
two Queens take different flower in they hand

2.Marked back
跟之前一樣  牌背保留的記號設定
只是這次換了一下排序  跟加了一點元素

same as previous white lion deck
they are marked deck design for all three B series deck

如果你想先找找看  就等等再往下拉 :P

if you want to try find "all" marked design
just pulling down latter
there are "3" design about marked

2-1 Number
跟之前一樣  用細邊黑桃的位置  可以判斷一部份牌的數字
但一樣有重疊的地方  到現在我還是不知道為什麼要這樣搞...

just like previous back design
you can use thin edge spade to recognize some numbers
but there still some overlap region...
and I still don't know why 0_0
maybe we just wait C series...

2-2 Suit
由左上方那四顆粗邊黑桃的位置  可以判斷出四種花色

the new marked on B series is suit system
you can use the special spades on upper left side to know this card's suit

2-3  Seven and Queen
這裡感謝 Valion 友情指教XD~
special thanks for Valion
雖然數字系統有重疊  但DB卻只把重疊的 7跟Queen 加了新記號做區隔
although there overlap  in number system
but DB add new marked to separate  7 & Queen
only 7 & Queen ...

you can try first...

沒錯 還是一樣用細邊黑桃...
所以底下的是七  上面那張是Queen @_@~
yap. still use thin edge spades
so you will find the 7 has thin edge spade at upside spade

3. UV design
接下來就是前陣子很紅的UV話題  所以就輪到UV燈上場
here comes some secret about UV ink...
that's using  UV light

我們要來討論的  就是之前A系列的UV油墨
但其實  這種UV燈的功率不夠  要看出牌背的UV效果是很難拍的
next on is talk about UV ink on A series 
but this UV light do not have enough power to emerge card UV ink for B series
so it's hard to take photo

so I use another instrument, it's laser pointer for high power that I think use for stargazing)
(this is purple light which is UV sensitive. I also have green one really for stargazing)
this laser pointer is multiple spot style,but I think it's good for it...

so wiggle the light

就能達到漂亮的UV效果了@_@~ (左邊是A系列 的雙背牌  右邊是B系列 )

then adjust the shutter and aperture setting...
we can get the ideal picture for UV effect :) !!!
(the left is A series double back card, the right is B series back)

just enlarge picture
a. A系列只有雙背牌的其中一面有UV油墨
b. UV的部份是黑桃的印刷 並不是紙張本身 所以只有黑桃發光

a. there is only one side for double back has UV ink
b. the UV sensitive is ink not paper like E's decks. so only fluorescent spade

畢竟它UV的部份是油墨  而不是整張紙

compare to UV500 ghost card from Ellusionist in same UV light
you can know how weak UV sensitive it is on lion ...
because white ghost use UV500 ink and paper
A series white lion only use UV ink

希望有機會能來拍 UV特集  @_@

所以B系列的三色牌 都沒有UV 油墨...
so all of 3 B series deck didn't have UV ink...
圖中是A系列的小紅獅 AIP上的 JOKER 跟 小白獅雙背另一面 都沒有UV ink
而因為我沒有打開的小紅獅雙背牌可以試  所以也無從得知了

如果有勇者要開福袋裡那副"UV"藍獅  我很樂意幫它拍UV照 :p
至於AIP附的"彩虹獅"  跟據 River 的測試  是沒有UV的 :(

I also try A series Red edition Joker and another side double back card,  it's no UV ink
but I didn't open Red deck that I can not check the double back from A series Red edi has UV ink or not ( I think yes)
further more
I also curious about the Ultraviolet White Lion Deck which from DB variety box is noted used blue-backed White Lions printed on UV paper

if there is someone who want to provide those cards, I'm glad to take an UV photo for it  :P

the Rainbow decks from AIP set is print without UV ink that test by River who is my friend and open it

UV box
B 系列的盒子  都用白色Linen box
且三種都是UV sensitive
但  我想可能是漂白用的螢光劑造成...

for 3 B series white linen box
all are UV sensitive, I think maybe is come from some bleaching agent for white box 0_0

相較之下  白幽靈的盒子就暗很多 

compare to other white boxes

4. handling

三副除了都是牌面下刀(traditional cut)
會感覺得出來  三副的紙質跟厚度似乎不太一樣

於是 為了不要再一起開新的來比較XD
再重新體會一下  照個人感覺 列出以下比較

all 3 B decks are traditional cut
if you open three B series decks
maybe you will feel that there are different paper used in cards
so I just compare those 3 deck by my hand feeling
厚度 thickness:  Blue(15.51mm) = Red (15.49mm) > Black (14.99mm)   (52cards)
(measured by Vernier Calipers)
硬度 hardness :  Black > Red = Blue 
(但我覺得 其實只有微妙的差一點點... but I think just a slight different feeling...)

雖然官網在介紹文中很自豪的強調  小白獅B改善了很多
The Series B White Lions are a product of almost a year's worth of collaboration with the United States Playing Card Company. Numerous factors are considered when creating a deck of playing cards, including printing press type, paper moisture, card stock, and embossing pressure. No expense was spared in creating Series B, as is evident the moment they are in your hands.
但 黑色小白獅硬是比其它兩色貴了一鎂  一直是讓我很不能理解的一點 orz~
不過在台灣強力溼度的考驗下  小白獅家族算是還不錯了@_@~
再加上 竟然連獅頭的印刷都省下來了...

Due to the difficult and time-consuming process required to print and package this new box paper type, the USPC is no longer able to provide this finish.
(但我個人覺得 把USPCC搞得 "不再印ooxx" 或是 "不提供ooxx製程" 好像沒什麼意思...)

I don't know why black label deck is expensive than other 2 colors...
maybe only David know...

最後  終於補完這篇了(感動)
轉載請注明出處 :)

thanks for your reading :)
you can share this review
and please always quote your authorities

thanks again

竟然有一副印刷錯誤的 小白獅B   0____0!?!?

I saw a misprint deck on facebook, that's awesome
it's really cool to be a collection
hope I have one :(

(PIC from Facecbook by Prc Deck)

5 則留言:

  1. They could have figured something out with those overlap region already!

    1. wow
      where could I get those information?

    2. 請問marking system重疊的那部分,版主有找到任何新的資訊了嗎?

    3. 目前我還無解 我覺得第一個留言的人耍我啊XD
      (哇塞 四年過去了~)

    4. XDDD 真的是太隱晦的記號系統了 藏了這麼多年還是無解 ╮(╯◇╰)╭
