2011年11月18日 星期五

From Lee Asher : Sad news, a sincere apology...and a silver lining

(他網站的member 應該都會收到)


Hi labyrinth

First, my apologies for not contacting you sooner. I simply
couldn't write before having a real update about the
Jerry's Nugget launch so many have been waiting for.

Since the server snafu on July 18th, 2011, I've been
working to remedy the situation every day. Unfortunately,
the demand for these decks has caused overwhelming
technical difficulties. I simply have to admit that these
problems have proven beyond my ability to solve right now.
I cannot make the Jerry's Nugget sale happen in 2011.

I sincerely apologize for this situation -- I know that
many of you have really been looking forward to this.

Please don't think for a moment that I'm giving up on this;
there are more options to be explored. When the plan is
truly secure in the coming months, you'll be the first to
know. It's clear the desire to own an authentic deck of
Jerry's Nugget Playing cards is greater than ever -- and I
really do appreciate your patience.

In fact, I've put together a special treat so you won't be
left empty-handed this holiday season.

Starting from the moment you read this email, all the way
through December 31st, 2011 (11:59pm PST), every order made
on LeeAsher.com (including PDFs) will receive a single,
signed, authentic Jerry's Nugget Playing Card as a gift
(one card per purchase). That's right, EACH PURCHASE, no
matter what or how much you buy, receives one pre-signed
JNugg from me.

Your card's color and value will be chosen at random by
LeeAsher.com staff.

Give this collector's card to a friend as a holiday gift,
use it as a book mark in your working copy of Erdnase, or
simply add this piece of Las Vegas Casino history to your
playing card collection! It's yours. Happy Holidays!

Purchase anything from here and receive a pre-signed Jerry's Nugget Playing Card:
(cut and paste if not clickable)

Thanks for your understanding as well as your continued

Speak with you soon.

Lee Asher

ps. labyrinth thank you so much for your passion and
dedication to playing cards and magic. It's very important
to me not to let you down. If you have any questions or want
to send me an email, I'm here and would love to hear from you.

以上 到年底前都有的樣子

之前還很開心 暑假去NY時剛好碰到阿舍要賣JN

然後 就說延期了...
(當時也碰到red artifice 但也是crash沒搶到...)

基本上 寄單張的牌 lee asher不會另外收運費


你用paypal買pdf檔 他就會直接寄牌給你 :)

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