2011年12月18日 星期日

the White Lions - hidden secrets

update in 2012/8/26
再更新一些地方 :)
update  in 2011/12/22 (about box)  :)
在牌盒的部份更新了一些圖 :)

the following are some hidden secrets about DB's White Lions that I found

這副牌有多少 hidden secrets沒人知道


there is a little deference between logo under box and back

其實盒底Logo 跟牌背上Logo不同@@ 有一邊的陰影下的不一樣

2. Queen of spades

this is the most well know secret :)
Queen has a 4 of hearts in her hand

這也很明顯 手上有一張紅心四(之前就知道了)


if you separate the box, you will see the word "T-02" under box and barcode in the side of box
but I just use light for appear that ( I don't want to destroy my box :p)
透光看 可以看到盒底有 "T-02"的字樣 盒側可以看到條碼(為啥要做在裡面勒@@?)
我不是很想拆了它 就拍個透光照就好 :) 

*更正一下 其實是 "T-042" 對邊盒底內寫著"134718"
 條碼掃出來是500663 (應該是單純貨號)
下面是好友 Daniel Kuo 的牌盒解剖圖XP

*you will see the word "T-042" under box and "134718" for other bottom side of  box
and the barcode indicate 500663 ( I think it's just merchandise ID )

here is the pic taken by my friend Daniel Kuo :)


a. the lion has a monocular glass on it right eye

b. there are many logo and aces hidden in Joker
like the rain on ground, the lion's tail, the shoes of lion...
c. there is an ace in lion's shoes
(watch picture below)


最可怕的是 牠左腳鞋子上也有一張倒放的ace...( 這是朋友提供的:) )

5. back design

this is the biggest secret that I discovered from this deck
it's looks no different form each card
這是這副牌我發現最大 也是最無聊的秘密 (咦?)
看起來牌背都一樣 的三張牌

but let we look closely
you will find out that there are something different between those cards...
(try to find by yourself first :p)
我們拉近點看 大家再努力一下XD

if you can't find the secret, just keep pulling down to see the answer
還是看不出來的人 再往下拉

ok, there is the different.

you can see there is a half spades which with a little thin edge  then others spades :)
this is not misprint, because there has rule for the marked system
不一樣的黑桃 他的邊邊比較細 這並不是印錯 因為在整副牌
這個特殊黑桃的位置 有一個系統在@@(我一開始一直以為是自己眼花...)

but it's hard to use in magic tricks...(there is why I release this secret directly)
this deck is a "half-marked" deck

because there are 9 spades on one sides
with special spades in different position indicate different card
the marked system you can see the pic above
但誰會拿這個表演...(這就是為什麼我直接寫出來) 這副是副半調子記號牌,
不對 連1/4記號牌都稱不上... 為啥? 因為牌邊只有9個黑桃 但要表現13張牌
結果就是有一堆牌的位置重複 所以幾乎沒辦法用 連分四個花色都無法(研究了很久)

yap, you will find out that  3&7 are same marked 4&8...etc
and there is no other marked to recognizing colors (spades, hearts,...)
jokers and aces are no marked, kings are one-way marked,
the double back is no marked in one side and all marked in other side :)

因為分不出花色 真的覺得沒啥用
鬼牌跟A是沒有記號 king的記號是單向(只有單邊有)
雙背是兩邊不同 一邊全記號 一邊全無 (有啥用@~@)

if you want to tell you friends, please share this blog, do not copy my picture
thanks in advance :)

以上 我終於又生出一篇

========update in 2012/8/26===========

部份感謝留言網友 MAI LAN
some new discover and special thanks for MAI LAN

1. ACE
跟一隻像鴿子的東西 而牠右臉我覺得應該也是某樣東西...

see closely you will find there are hiding 2 heart on its face
and something like dove on its left face, and I think there must be something on its right face ;)

2. BOX
it hide a prediction " 7 of diamond" on it 

there is hiding a number "4" on the lion's pant
it's amazing @_@

but there comes another big question that "Why DB put those number or sign on this deck?"
但 更大的問題是 這些數字跟圖案又代表什麼意思~”~?

也許再過一些時間就會見分曉 :)

12 則留言:

  1. Re: Valion <3298925379038542568>
    哈 謝謝

    我現在還是不知有啥秘密 orz

  2. Re: 邱小瑩 <4396556317573376508>
    thanks you :)

  3. hi...I love your review about secret's WL...and i discover little more in Joker card, i will find Number "Four" on the leg lion near the lion's tail

    1. thanks for your reading :)

      omg~ I saw it !!! it's really cool~
      thanks for your sharing :)
      I will update those two new findings soon and credit you


  4. and one more,in the box card....inside the Lion near right coner on the bottom...Hidden "7 of Diamond"..

    1. ha~
      in fact
      I discovered previously
      but I'm not sure whether it's coincident or hidden secret
      because I think it's not very obviously

      but I will update it too :)

      do you think that the lion on ace of spade has a rabbit in left
      and a dove in right
      and has two heart?

    2. ..uhmm Just to see it in the Ace of Spades(it's not explanation anything but love very cool)...yup i saw it firt ^^ after i find google and search your blog...I really excite about Your discover "Mark Deck" WL...unbelievable u found it..!!.
      >And something different in SS White Lion vs SS Lion about the face of King of diamond(new face),Jack of Club (new face is Buck's Brother)....and only Queen of Diamond's not change face.....I'm don't known most of face card(king,queen,jack.)...except David Blaine ^^">.Do you know it.?.tell me more....name's face card ???..

    3. yes I know most of there name

      for lion
      K David Blaine
      Q Lonneke Engel
      J David Blaine's brother

      K Bill Kalush
      Q David Blaine's mother
      J Mark Stutzman,the Split Spade designer

      J Dan White

      K David Blaine's friend Lou in senior high school
      Q Denise Albert,David Blaine's studio CEO
      J Doug McKenzie

      for white lion
      K of club change into Doug McKenzie
      but I don't know new face of JC,QS,KD...
      I'm not sure whether JC is buck twins or not

      maybe I will update in the end of July
      I'm very busy now for my exam ;(

  5. The 4 on the joker is the 4 of spades. Look at his tail.

    1. Yap
      thanks for reply
      I already write down it at Chinese
      But I forgot to translate to English lol
